
What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is a specialized area of dentistry focusing in the treatment of inflammation diseases that damage the gums and the supporting tissues around the teeth. The most common periodontal treatments include scaling and root planning (deep cleaning), gum surgery, flap surgery with pocket reduction, bone graft, etc.

What type of periodontal treatment we provide?

At this moment, we provide scaling and root planning (deep cleaning), and selective types of bone graft services. No flap surgery or major gum surgery was provided. If you need those periodontal services, we recommend you to see a specialized periodontist.

How to know if you have periodontal diseases (gum diseases)?

When you have following symptoms: bleeding while brushing or flossing, bad breath, sensitive teeth, gum recession, swollen or tender gum, or teeth mobility, then you might have periodontal diseases (gum diseases). It is important to understand that periodontal diseases could lead to significant health problem if left untreated. If you have concerns about periodontal diseases, please feel free to call us for a consultation.

What to do if you have periodontal diseases?

Depend on the severity of your periodontal diseases, different types of treatment would be provided. If you have gingivitis, which is inflammation around the gum line due to plaque or tartar build up and no bone loss was noticed, a general cleaning would be provided to treat your problem. If you start to have bone loss around your teeth, or deep pocket around your teeth, then you might have periodontitis. If the severity of periodontitis is mild or moderate, a scaling and root planning service would be provided. If you have advanced periodontitis or periodontal diseases not improving, we recommend you to see a specialized periodontist for more advanced treatment such as flap surgery with scaling and root planning, pocket reduction treatment, etc.

What is Scaling and Root Planning?

While general cleaning remove the plaque and calculus above or near the gum line, scaling and root planning is desired to remove plaque and calculus below your gum line. You might hear deep cleaning often, it is actually referred to scaling and root planning.

What do you expect on your scaling and root planning appointment?

You would be injected with local anesthesia on your gum before the scaling and root planning treatment. Once your gum becomes numb, ultrasonic instrument and hand instruments would be utilized to remove the plaque and calculus below your gum line. You might have some bleeding in the procedure, and this would be normal since your gum is in inflammation stage. Chlorhexidine rinse would be provided to clean your blood and gum during and after the procedure. The local anesthesia would be still effective when you finish the procedure, but don’t eat until the numb totally goes away.

If you need scaling and root planning (deep cleaning) procedure, please call us for an appointment.

RC Dental Center

(718) 358 - 4448

13620 38th Ave., Suite #5K
Flushing, NY 11354