
What is endodontic?

Endodontic is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the dental pulp and tissues around the roots of a tooth. The most common endodontic treatment is Root Canal Therapy, which is a procedure to remove the pulp tissues and bacteria inside the tooth so that to save the natural tooth.

When you would need the Root Canal Therapy?

When a tooth has infection down to the root, root canal therapy might be performed to save the tooth by eliminating bacteria from the infected pulp tissues and root canals. Root canal therapy could also be performed as a supplemental procedure to save the tooth in some conditions where a tooth has severe decay or large amount of structure lost due to trauma or fracture, but pulp tissues have not been infected. A dental exam is necessary for the diagnosis before a root canal therapy would be performed. If you have any dental pain or dental issues that you suspect you would need a root canal therapy, please feel free to call us for an appointment.

A tooth with infection at root apex needs a root canal therapy.


Root Canal Therapy has been performed on a tooth.

What to expect after a root canal therapy?

After root canal therapy, you might feel slightly pain or soreness around the tooth that had the procedure for a few days. You could take OTC pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil to control pain or discomfort if necessary. Antibiotics might be prescribed depending on your situation. If you are prescribed antibiotics, please follow the instructions to take your medication on time. The pain or soreness should go away in a few days. If you develops any swelling or symptoms becomes worsen, please give us a call to make an appointment.

What should be done after a Root Canal Therapy ?

After the root canal therapy (RCT), a tooth would become fragile. A dental crown or dental filling is required to protect or save the tooth. A RCT treated tooth without proper restoration would fracture easily and make the RCT that you already had useless.

RC Dental Center

(718) 358-4448

13620 38th Ave., Suite #5K
Flushing, NY 11354